This one should be short and sweet. We’re removing the handlebars and controls today. The handlebars are held in place by two large bolts that pass through rubber shock absorbers. By removing two cotter pins, two nuts, and the front brake line, the handlebars should pull free.
First, remove the two cotter pins and nuts as shown below:
- See circled bolts/nuts/pins
- Closeup of handlebar nut
Next, we need to remove the front brake line that leads back up to the brake lever. Remove the nut that holds the tubing in place, and pull the line back through the metal ring as shown. NOTE: If you haven’t already drained the brake fluid from the front brake, you may make a mess here. Try to keep it as clean as possible.
- Here’s the brake connection
- Unthread this nut, which releases the line
- Pull line and nut gently back through the metal ring that holds it in place
At this point, you should be able to wiggle the handlbars free from the top clamp of the forks. Nice work!